The Obama administration's efforts to close Guantanamo is at the center of a larger effort to wind down a war-time detainee system that was created after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, fortunately, this has been thwarted by Congress.
According to a NY Times article, "The New York Times and several other news organizations, reveal that most of the remaining prisoners have been rated as a “high risk” of posing a threat to the United States and its allies if released without adequate rehabilitation and supervision." However this was also the case with about 1/3 of the other prisoners released, including those released in the Bush Administration.
Also according to the times "Obama administration officials condemned the publication of the classified documents, which were obtained by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks last year but provided to The Times by another source. The officials pointed out that an administration task force set up in January 2009 reviewed the information in the prisoner assessments, and in some cases came to different conclusions. Thus, they said, the documents published by The Times may not represent the government’s current view of detainees at Guantánamo."
No new prisoners have been transferred to Guantánamo since 2007. Some Republicans are urging the Obama administration to send newly captured terrorism suspects to the prison, but so far officials have refused to increase the inmate population. I suspect the stalemate will continue for the next two years with a Republican dominated Congress.